City of Bayou Vista

City of Bayou Vista Logo

Tue, Jan 14 @ 11:46am

Good Morning, Bayou Vista!
The American Rescue Plan Act was signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021, and?it guaranteed direct funding to all cities, towns and villages in the United States. The U.S. Department of the Treasury is responsible for overseeing the program.

The City of Bayou Vista is a participant and received the ARPA funds in 2021. These funds can be allocated for many different projects and over the past year City Council has selected the projects for the ARPA funds to be used.

In order to meet the arduous requirements that are mandatory to expend the funds as prescribed by the U.S. Treasury, the City Council contracted with GrantWorks to oversee this process. I appointed Alderman Pizzo to assist GrantWorks to complete the requirements as needed. Alderman Pizzo has done an outstanding job in working with GrantWorks and I appreciate her commitment to this project.

The following is a list of the areas that City Council approved for the use of the ARPA funds:
1. Playground Cover
2. Additional Playground Equipment
3. Court Software compatible with the County
4. Maintenance truck
5. Entrance Sign
6. Police car cameras and body cams
7. Server and new computers
8. Pool Furniture

Please see the attached picture of our Playground Shade cover which was just recently installed.

Thank you.
Mayor Eshelman


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