Event Calendar

Your interactive calendar makes it easy to schedule and manage public events. Your residents and those of your neighboring communities will be able to see the events you have planned quickly.
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The Savvy Citizen notification system makes it a snap whenever you need to get the word out, be it a quick reminder or an emergency response.
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Effective Communication

Your citizens can determine how they would like to be communicated with, making it convenient for everyone.
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Robust Features

Savvy Citizen is designed to accommodate all your needs with team management, integrated weather and traffic, localized and intelligent content suggestions, and much more.
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Event Calendar

Our interactive calendar system makes it easy to schedule and manage events. Your residents and those of your neighboring communities will be able to quickly see the events you have planned.


Savvy Citizen has a robust scheduling system that allows for creating one-time or recurring events and accomodates any changes or cancellations you may need.

Smart Preview

Our smart preview will check your work, offer suggestions, and allow you to preview your event before making it public.

Change Notices

New event? Need to change a time or location? Have to cancel?

We'll remind people of upcoming events and notify them if an event is changed or cancelled.


You can attach documents and images to any event making it easy to include special content you may have.

Event Publicity

Savvy Citizen gets the word out and allows your citizens to pass along the details using today's social media outlets. Your events become available through multiple channels: web pages, syndication, notifications, and social sharing.


Don't want to keep multiple calendars up-to-date? Can't easily change your own website's calendar?

No worries! Our Plugin Add-on can replace the calendar on your website or feed into an iClandar compatible application. Any events or changes put into Savvy Citizen will immediately appear on your website or application.

Map Enabled

With your event, you can include multiple addresses or plot an area on a map. Your citizens will be able to quickly and easily see where your event is located.

Citizens can quickly view your scheduled events.

Monthly view of events
Event details

On-Demand Notifications

Any time you need to get the word out, be it a quick reminder or an emergency, Savvy Citizen makes it easy with just a few clicks.

Standard Notices

Have a helpful reminder or general information you want to get out? With a few quick steps, you can create simple or robust messages and we'll ensure it gets to your residents (and non-residents if desired) at an appropriate time.

Emergency Alerts

Alert your residents immediately with effective communication in case of an emergency. Savvy Citizen gives you the power to quickly and effectively let your citizens know what's happening.

Map Enabled

With the integrated map feature, you can include multiple addresses or plot an area on a map. Your citizens will never have to wonder where to go... or avoid.


Quickly attach documents or pictures directly to the notification making it easy to relay additional information.

Smart Preview

Just like with calendar events, our smart preview will check your work, offer suggestions, and allow you to preview your notification/alert before making it public.


Notifications can be scheduled to go out whenever you want. Just pick a date, set it, and forget about it. Savvy Citizen will automatically send your notification on the chosen date.

Geo Targeting

With the Targeted Notifications Add-on, you can create custom zones and send notifications to people in geographic regions.

Or, simply place a pin on a map and send it to people nearby.


Our Plugin Add-on can display your notifications instantly on your website, helping to further spread your information.

Citizens and Organizations get notifications quickly and efficiently with all of the details they need for what matters most to them.

Push notification
Notification details
Map and location information

Multiple Communication Channels

Your citizens can determine how they would like to be communicated with, making it convenient for everyone.

Push Notifications

With our free and highly rated Savvy Citizen app, citizens can receive interactive notifications directly from local governments to their devices. They'll get a quick look at the details and can take actions such as marking interest in an event or sharing the details. They can also quickly view the full details.

Text Messages

Text messages are an alternative to push notifications for those that don't want to install the Savvy Citizen app. Unlike other competitors, we provide a brief summary of the message and a link to get to the full details using their smartphone's web browser.


For those that prefer standard emails, we can send all details to as many email addresses as they wish.

A Complete Solution

Savvy Citizen is designed to accommodate all of your needs.

Team Management

Savvy Citizen allows you to set up your team based on your preferences. You can add as many team members and employees to your account as desired and even manage access and control permissions for those who require approval before events and notifications go public.

Weather Integrated

Fully integrated with the National Weather Service (NWS) emergency alerting system, Savvy Citizen knows about the safety issues in your area.

In addition, Savvy Citizen knows about forecasted weather in your area and can provide emergency notification suggestions.

Traffic Integrated

Savvy Citizen pulls traffic information including congestion, accidents/incidents, and construction so that you can quickly and easily relay timely information.

Content Suggestions

Using localized data and a growing knowlege base, Savvy Citizen offers content suggestions and ideas that are quick and easy to implement.


Built using the latest technologies and sitting on top of powerful servers with the ability to auto-scale and handle any amount of data traffic, our system is available 24x7 and never sleeps.

Cost Effective

Unlike other solutions, Savvy Citizen is 100% stand-alone. There aren't any associated website systems to purchase or servers to maintain which makes Savvy Citizen affordable and easy to implement.

Get your price now!

Easy to Use

Our system is intuitive and straightforward with integrated help. Just schedule an event or create a notification and Savvy Citizen takes care of the rest.

Account Checkup

Savvy Citizen automatically provides you with insightful information to make the most of your experience and alerts you to any potential issues.

Getting started is easy.

In just a few simple steps, your community will be up and running.



Registration is simple, easy, and free. We simply need a little bit of information to verify you represent your community.

There is no commitment to use the service.


Review offer

Once approved, you'll receive an email letting you know that your account is ready to be setup.

You'll be able to review your official price, payment options, and any discounts.



Choose your payment plan, and enter your payment method. Your chosen recurring payment will be setup and start immediately.

You can cancel at any time from the website.


Blast off

You immediately gain access to Savvy Citizen’s administrative features and can start creating additional users, populating your calendar, or sending notifications.

We'll work quickly to let your residents and those of your neighboring communities know they can now follow you on Savvy Citizen.

Have questions or concerns?

We're here to help.

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