Hatboro Borough Business Meeting
Thu, Feb 6 @ 2:25pm
Hello Hatboro Business Owners & Followers,
Thank you to our loyal business owners for attending the Borough's first of hopefully several business meetings.
A lot of good ideas were shared, and valuable feedback for ways that the Borough can better serve you, our business owners.
We are working on a recap of the meeting along with a survey for people to take. We also realize that we need to work on our contact list. We apologize for anyone who missed the invite.
Thank you to Lochel’s Bakery and Nutz About Popcorn for the goodies.
Any business members who missed the meeting but would like to receive the recap and participate in the survey should email Diane Hegele, Borough Manager at DHegele@myhatboro.org. Additionally, staff will be working over the next few weeks to reach out to businesses and get updated emails and information so we can communicate future meetings and plans.
If you have feedback you want to share with us now here is contact information for the council committee who oversees the business community.
Don Hoover, Chair - Downtown Development - dhoover@myhatboro.org
Jen Hendrickson, Council Member - Downtown Development - jhendrickson@myhatboro.org
Nicole Reichner, Council Vice President - nreichner@myhatboro.org
Please share this with fellow business owners and reach out.
Thank you all and we are looking forward to hearing from you.
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