Opportunities to Serve

New Freedom

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Wed, Jan 22 @ 11:53am

New Freedom Borough Council is inviting residents to apply for the vacancies listed below. If you’re interested in serving your community, please submit a letter of interest to Andrew Shaffer, Borough Manager, at manager@newfreedomboro.org by February 5 at noon. Applicants are encouraged to attend the Borough Council meeting on February 10, 2025, at 6:30 PM.

Planning Commission – One Vacant Seat
The New Freedom Borough Planning Commission is a five-member Commission with four year terms. This Commission is an advisory body to Borough Council with authority granted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Municipal Planning Code. The Commission is tasked with reviewing and providing a recommendation on all subdivision and land development plans, in addition to all requests for variances and special exceptions under the Borough’s Zoning Ordinance. The Commission meets AS NEEDED the third Monday of each month beginning at 6:00PM, except for October which will meet the fourth Tuesday.

Property Maintenance Appeals Board – One Vacant Seat
The New Freedom Borough Property Maintenance Appeals Board is a three-member board with two alternates. This body is tasked with reviewing cases when a property owner challenges a code compliance notice of violation. Authority is granted by Borough Council through adoption of the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code. The Board meets only AS NEEDED.

Southern York County Regional Recreation Commission – One Vacant Seat
The Southern York County Regional Recreation Commission is an eight-member Commission appointed by New Freedom Borough Council and Shrewsbury Township. The Commission is tasked with providing the framework and mechanism to adequately maintain community recreation and parks services and facilities, and to organize, manage, sponsor, and supervise community events within the political boundaries of the Participants. The Commission meets the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 6:00PM. Meetings alter location monthly between New Freedom Borough and Shrewsbury Township.

Zoning Hearing Board – One Vacant Seat (Alternate)
The New Freedom Borough Zoning Hearing Board is a three-member board with one alternate. This Quasi-Judicial body, whose authority is also granted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Municipal Planning Code, reviews and considers for approval all requests for variances and special exceptions under the Borough’s Zoning Ordinance. The Board meets AS NEEDED the fourth Monday of each month beginning at 6:00PM, except for May which will meet the fourth Tuesday.

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