
Littlestown Logo

Mon, Jan 6 @ 10:27am

The Littlestown Planning Commission has two vacant seats ready to be filled.

What is the purpose of the Planning Commission:
• Members are appointed by the Littlestown Borough Council
• A Planning Commission shall not have less than three nor more than nine members
• Members of the Commission shall be residents of the Borough and at least five members shall be citizens
meaning they must live in the Borough and shall not be officers of employees of the municipality
• The Commission is an advisory body only and shall be restricted in its duties to applying the conditions,
requirement, restrictions and standards imposed by various articles of the Borough Code
• The Commission shall function as both a Zoning Commission and a Planning Commission

If you are interested in serving on the Planning Commission, please email the Borough Secretary,, your letter of interest. The only requirement is that you have to be a Borough resident.

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