ROAD Milling and Paving on Main St

Caernarvon Township

Caernarvon Township Logo

Mon, Jul 15 @ 3:35pm

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Monday, July 15,2024 3:30 PM

Starting this evening through this week the paving contractor will be milling and then paving Main Street in front of the new apartments.

The contractor requested permission for the overnight hours to mill and then pave this area and received permission from PennDot and the Township Supervisors.
Do to the daytime volume of traffic the request to do the nighttime operation was requested. They should start to work after 6 PM. There could be changes made based on weather related delays.

We apologize for the inconvenience to the nearby residents and businesses that this will cause issues.

Thank you
Chief Paul R Stolz Jr
Caernarvon Township Police Department

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