Quarterly Erie County Storm Siren Test


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Mon, Jul 15 @ 9am

Quarterly Erie County Storm Siren Test at 12:30pm Monday, July 15, 2024.

This test is done four times a year to ensure that in the event of a weather-related emergency the siren operates properly.

The difference between the fire siren and the weather siren is the following:
Fire Siren: A fire siren goes off in the event the fire company is dispatched for a fire, motor vehicle accident, or rescue situation. It cycles up and down for a total of three short bursts.
Storm Siren: A storm siren goes off in the event of severe weather to notify the general public to seek immediate shelter and tune in to NOAA weather radio or other media sources for information. The siren is activated and will sound for (3) one-minute cycles that will sound a minute apart.

We have had recent Tornado Warnings issued for Erie County. Residents are urged in the event of an activation to turn to local media and/or a NOAA weather radio for immediate information.

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