York Industrial Development Warehouses Update

Dover Township

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Fri, Jun 28 @ 9:05am

We were recently informed that the Hines/Bull Canal Dover Owner LLC Preliminary Land Development Plan for the York Industrial Development Warehouses will not be ready for review by the Board of Supervisors Meeting on July 8th, 2024. We are therefore cancelling that first meeting of July, as is our practice over the summer months. Based on correspondence received from the developer, they are requesting an extension until October 28th, 2024. Therefore, we do not believe the Board of Supervisors will have this matter on their agenda for review and potential approval until (at the soonest) early September. Additional posts will be made regarding the status of the plan’s placement on the Board of Supervisors agenda as information becomes available to our staff. Please continue to follow Savvy Citizen and the Township’s social media/website for the most accurate information on this matter. LAO-TM

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