Message to the Fire Dept
Thu, Jun 27 @ 4:45pm
The Borough Council approved of a message to be sent to the Fire Dept regarding recent events.
The written version is below. The signed copy is attached.
"The Borough of Wesleyville is extremely appreciative of over 100 years of fire service provided to the community by the Wesleyville Volunteer Fire Department.
The Borough will do everything in its power to support the Fire Department and to help ensure that it is strong for the future.
The Borough understands that the problems faced by the Wesleyville Fire Department are not unique to this department and they are larger struggles that departments across the region and Commonwealth are facing.
At the June 2024 Fire Dept General Meeting, the Borough understands that the Fire Dept. made a decision that compromised public safety and compromised the very existence of the department.
The Borough wants to formally thank the Fire Dept for their quick action in rescinding their decision at an emergency general member meeting.
The Borough cares about the Fire Dept and its continued existence.
The Borough asks that the Fire Dept. coordinate more closely with the Borough before moving on decisions with such drastic ramifications.
The Borough BELIEVES;
The motion to suspend emergency response was not beneficial to helping the Fire Dept. or promoting public safety.
The Fire Dept. can lean on the support of surrounding departments to help in this time of need and to persevere through the struggles.
There is capacity within the Fire Dept. and the community to continue emergency services.
The Borough again wants to thank the Fire Dept. for their rescission of the vote to suspend emergency services.
The Borough further RECOMMENDS to the Fire Dept. that;
The Chief would add all the new members to the County’s emergency response notification tool, “I Am Responding”.
The Chief would get all new members access to the station.
The Chief would get new members acclimated and trained on department specific information and then cleared to use equipment.
The Borough will expect item i and ii to be completed and significant progress to be made on item iii to be made by the July 10th Council Meeting.
The Borough looks forward to building a stronger relationship with the Fire Dept.
The Fire Dept. has the full support and appreciation of the Borough.
The Borough wants to reiterate that when someone calls 911 in Wesleyville, there will be a response, there is a network of providers ready and lined up to serve the community.
The Borough is committed to public safety, and it will do everything it can to support the departments who serve the community.
The Fire Dept. has its struggles, but the Borough believes that it can persevere, and the Borough will help in every way it can.
If you want to help in this situation, two things;
Reach out to the Fire Dept. and Borough to express your support and speak at public meetings.
Join the Department - 100 years of Fire service would not have been possible without the help in sacrifice of an army of honorable volunteers.
If you feel a call to join the Fire Department, the community would greatly appreciate your contribution and you would be welcomed with open arms. Learn more at"
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