Seal Coating 2024 Update


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Wed, May 29 @ 11:35am

Tentatively scheduled to begin June 11th and potentially stretching into June 12th depending on the weather, several Borough roads will be getting seal coated (tar and chipped). This date is subject to change according to the Suit-Kote’s, the vendor, schedule as they complete work for other neighboring municipalities.

The streets to be seal coated include:

Union Ave. from Buffalo Rd. to Euclid Blvd.,
Woodlawn Ave. from Bird Dr. to Station Rd., and
Willow St. From Woodlawn Ave. to Fremont St.

On May 30th and 31st, NO PARKING on either side of the above mentioned roads. The crews potentially start early, as early as 5am or 6am, so please have your car moved at least by that time in the morning.

After the pavement preservation treatment is applied, vehicles can drive on the road within only a couple minutes.

This notification was posted by Wesleyville. Wesleyville is solely responsible for this notification and unless specifically indicated, no other community or individual utilizing Savvy Citizen is sponsoring, responsible for, or endorsing this notification.

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