Trex Recycling Challenge Program


Economy Logo

Fri, Nov 4 @ 1:36pm

Economy Borough is excited to announce its new Trex Recycling Challenge Program.

Trex turns plastic bags and film into composite decking and railing. Most plastic bags and film are not recyclable in curbside-recycling programs. So, this is a great way to help keep plastic out of our oceans and landfills.

Start saving your plastic! Collection/drop-off bin can be located at the municipal building located at 2856 Conway Wallrose Road, Baden, PA 15005.

To download the displayed "Recycle Beyond The Bag' flyer, click here.
This flyer will explain what can be recycled into the bin.

We have a goal to recycle 500 pounds of plastic in six months. When we achieve this goal, Trex will send us a composite bench made from recycled materials, which we'll place in one of our parks.

To learn more, contact Travis Cavanaugh, at (724)869-4779, Ext. 2, or by email at

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