The power of a notification
Sending a notification is quick, easy, and an effective means to disseminate information. Here are some great examples of actual notifications sent by some of our clients.

It takes very little time to create a simple notification that can let your residents know about various things happening in your community. From upcoming roadwork, to job openings, to helpful reminders; your residents will be kept in the loop.
You don't have to worry about making a mistake.
Before sending, Savvy Citizen will check your work and make suggestions. You'll also get to see a preview of exactly what your notification will look like before sending it.
Your notification will be delivered to each resident based on their preferences. If it's urgent, we'll let them know immediately.
Much Better than Social Media
Savvy Citizen has been the answer we've been looking for. Local community events, information, street closures, emergencies and weather related issues are relayed instantly to our residents. Much better than trying to use other social media outlets and without all the problems that go along with them.

Guaranteed Delivery
You never have to worry about whether or not your residents receive your message unlike social media. Delivery is guaranteed.

Share it
As with calendar events, Savvy Citizen makes it easy for your residents to share your notifications with their friends via text message, email, social media, or any other forum; extending the reach of your information.

Getting started is easy.
In just a few simple steps, your community will be up and running.
Registration is simple, easy, and free. We simply need a little bit of information to verify you represent your community.
There is no commitment to use the service.
Review offer
Once approved, you'll receive an email letting you know that your account is ready to be setup.
You'll be able to review your official price, payment options, and any discounts.
Choose your payment plan, and enter your payment method. Your chosen recurring payment will be setup and start immediately.
You can cancel at any time from the website.
Blast off
You immediately gain access to Savvy Citizen’s administrative features and can start creating additional users, populating your calendar, or sending notifications.
We'll work quickly to let your residents and those of your neighboring communities know they can now follow you on Savvy Citizen.