Event Awareness

Every community has events that happen at scheduled times. Why is it that managing the calendar and getting the word out is so difficult?

With Savvy Citizen, it's not.

The issue.

When it comes to putting together events, attendance is key. This means getting the word out about your event and its details is critical.

People need to know what, when, and where it is. But they are not going to actively look to see if you've posted something, or for that matter, made changes. And certainly, you're not going to be able to engage residents of your neighboring communities because they would likely not think to look at your community calendar or social media feeds.

With the hustle and bustle of this day and age, this information needs to be delivered to your potential attendees in a way that is convenient to them.

The solution.

Savvy Citizen has been designed to make scheduling and publicizing events easy. Events can be scheduled in minutes. Once made public, Savvy Citizen pushes out the details of the event to your potential attendees.

Need to make a change or cancel an event? No problem, it can be done in seconds and we'll keep everyone updated.

Savvy Citizen can even keep the calendar on your website in-sync automatically.

Scheduling an event is easy.

Scheduling an event is quick and easy. Savvy Citizen will walk you through each step and make sure everything looks good before making it public.


First, choose the event's category and whether or not the event should be publicized to non-residents following you. In addition, enter the event's name and description.


Next, choose the location of your event. You can enter multiple addresses or pin an area on a map.


Next, determine when the event occurs. It can be one time, or scheduled to occur weekly, monthly, or yearly. As you make your decisions, Savvy Citizen will interactively show you what that looks like on a calendar.

Preview & Submit

Finally, you get a chance to preview what your event will look like once it's public. In addition, Savvy Citizen will double-check your work and offer suggestions to improve it.

When ready, submit and relax.

We let everyone know.

Once your event has been created, we'll let everyone know about it in a number of different ways.

We'll send out a notice of the upcoming event to everyone following your community at a time of your choosing.

In addition, your event will immediately be visible from within the Savvy Citizen app as well as on our website. Users of Savvy Citizen can look at the details of your event at any time.

Our calendar gives you the ability to "set it and forget it." You can load your calendar with as many events as you want and we'll let everyone know about the events as they begin to approach.

New event notification
Event changed notification

Changes and cancellations.

Unfortunately, events get changed and cancelled. It's important that people interested in coming to your event are made aware of this before they show up at the wrong time, wrong place, or to a cancelled event.

With Savvy Citizen, it's very easy to handle these situations.

Just make the changes necessary from the calendar, even if it's a recurring event and you just need to update one of the events. You'll be given a chance to preview your changes before making them public just like when you first created the event.

Once you're ready, submit it and Savvy Citizen will inform everyone of the changes.

Your website's calendar.

A common question to ask at this point is "What about our website's calendar?" It's a great question! After all, you don't want to have to manage two different calendars.

Savvy Citizen has a solution for this as well. You can replace your website's calendar with the Savvy Citizen Calendar Plugin*. With the Plugin, any changes you make to your events in Savvy Citizen will immediately show up on your website.

For municipalities that have to contact a web master to update their calendar, this will alleviate the need and put the control back in your hands.

Website plugins

Getting started is easy.

In just a few simple steps, your community will be up and running.



Registration is simple, easy, and free. We simply need a little bit of information to verify you represent your community.

There is no commitment to use the service.


Review offer

Once approved, you'll receive an email letting you know that your account is ready to be setup.

You'll be able to review your official price, payment options, and any discounts.



Choose your payment plan, and enter your payment method. Your chosen recurring payment will be setup and start immediately.

You can cancel at any time from the website.


Blast off

You immediately gain access to Savvy Citizen’s administrative features and can start creating additional users, populating your calendar, or sending notifications.

We'll work quickly to let your residents and those of your neighboring communities know they can now follow you on Savvy Citizen.

Have questions or concerns?

We're here to help.

Contact Us

* The Plugin Add-on is an optional feature available at an additional cost.