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Occurs every year on May 23rd beginning 5/23/2022
Friday, May 23, 2025 (All day event)
Saturday, May 23, 2026 (All day event)

INSPIRED BY PA'S FAVORITE NEIGHBOR https://143day.dced.pa.gov/
1-4-3 or I-Love-You. From the City of Brotherly Love to the birthplace of Fred Rogers, America's most beloved neighbor, Pennsylvania is a place where kindness and gratitude to those who make up our community is part of who we are. That's what makes PA such an incredible place to live.

Fred Rogers regularly used 143 as his special code for "I Love You" - based on the number of letters in each word. From today forward, the 143rd day of the year is #143DayinPA-a day when we encourage our residents to share the acts of kindness and good deeds they do for each other and themselves.

With everything going on in the world, it’s no surprise that we are all feeling a little weary and overwhelmed. This isn’t the time to add more “to dos” to the list. This is the day to take a beat, realize that you are special, and affirm that you are enough. Let’s all do our part and help ourselves and fellow Pennsylvanians feel the love. Happy #143DayInPA!

This event was posted by Churchill. Churchill is solely responsible for this event and unless specifically indicated, no other community or individual utilizing Savvy Citizen is sponsoring, responsible for, or endorsing this event.

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