Give Local York

Spring Grove

Spring Grove Logo

Thu, May 2, 2024 @ 9pm to Fri, May 3, 2024 @ 9pm

Friendship Hose Co #1 is participating in the Give Local York. This is a means to have the county of York recognize our organization and donate funds towards our 100% volunteer organization.

The vast majority of our funding is provided by monetary donations and fund raising. As with everything the rising cost of day to day operations, outfitting a volunteer firefighter, apparatus as well as the cost to hold fund raisers has escalated.

As an organization we are proud to always strive to provide emergency services, fire prevention training, promote fire safety as well as assisting with local events.

We ask of our local community and county to assist in supporting our organization by donating funds. The complete month of April all donations are able to be dropped off at the fire department or mailed to Friendship Hose Company #1 73 S. Main Street PO Box 64, Spring Grove Pa 17362. The Big day May 2nd at 9pm through May 3rd at 9pm you may log on to Give Local York Big Give Day 2024.

For more information you may log into

We would like to thank you for your support.


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