BAPL: Debt Relief


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Wed, Apr 19, 2023 from 2pm to 2:30pm

67 W Washington St, Bradford, PA 16701, USA

As part of Smart Money Week (April 15 - 21), BAPL will be hosting several money-related webinars. The second is Debt Relief:
Presented by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling

Financial products can be complex and confusing. This can overwhelm individuals struggling with debt management. Fueled by stress and an increasing sense of urgency, hastily made decisions can lead to disaster when people are desperate for relief. Making an informed decision means taking the time to build a clear understanding of the products and services available. Attend this presentation for a closer look at popular options to affordably repay debt.

This webinar will be shown in the library's Rm B. Attendees will be able to participate in the Chat and Q & A .

This event was posted by Bradford. Bradford is solely responsible for this event and unless specifically indicated, no other community or individual utilizing Savvy Citizen is sponsoring, responsible for, or endorsing this event.

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