SP Library: Spring Munch & Learns - Handel House: History & Hijinx

South Park Township

South Park Township Logo

Wed, May 3, 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

2575 Brownsville Rd, South Park Township, PA 15129, USA
➥ Community Center

Leonard Marraccini of the South Park Historical Society will discuss the history (some of it spooky) of one of South Park’s most infamous houses - The Handel House on Brownsville Road. Anyone driving on Brownsville Road through South Park has gone past a very historical house. Local folks call it the Handel House. The house was built in three stages. The first in the early 1780s before the Whiskey Rebellion. The house has had numerous owners over the course of time, each adding to the history of the house. Some local folks have even heard stories involving paranormal activities.

This program will take place in the South Park Community Center.

Adults can register for this program online at https://www.eventkeeper.com/code/ekform.cfm?curOrg=SPARK&curID=632470.

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